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essay代写案例-Argument Reliability Analysis of "To His Coy Mistress

文章类型:essay 发布时间:2020-07-01

Marvell的诗《致他的Co妇情人》是写给他心爱的女士,她sh,and,对自己的爱没有回应。似乎Marvell试图接近这位女士,但没有这样做。因此,作者写了这首诗,试图说服女士抓住这一天,享受爱情。 Marvell使用大量图像来支持他的论点。这首诗的主题是生命短暂,他们应该在年轻的时候做爱。我认为这首诗很美。作者在节中提出了许多不同的假设,并使用押韵来加强他的声音和陈述。但是,如果我是他要写信的女士,我会发现他的论点对我来说不够可靠。
Marvell’s poem “To His Coy Mistress” is written to his beloved lady who is shy and coy and has not been responding to his love. It seems that Marvell tried to approach the lady but failed to do so. Therefore, the author wrote the poem to try to persuade the lady to seize the day and enjoy the love. Marvell uses a lot of imagery to support his argument. The thesis of the poem is that life is short, and they should make love while they are young. I think the poem is beautiful. The author develops many different assumptions in the stanzas and uses rhymes to reinforce his sound and statement. However, if I were the lady he was writing to, I would find his argument not reliable enough for me.
The poem consists of three stanzas. In the first stanza, he illustrates a romantic image and explains that he would respect her coyness and be patient if he had had enough time. In contrast to the first stanza, the second stanza is not romantic anymore. Instead, Marvell depicts death and laments that life is so short. He sounds more urgent in this stanza and argues that one should seize the moment before death. In the last stanza, he urges the coy lady to make love to him while they are young.

在整首诗中,Marvell使用演绎逻辑发展了他的论点。第一个节建议,时间是为了爱,这是他论证的主要前提。次要前提是寿命短,我们需要在第二节中充分利用时间。然后他在第三个节中得出结论,生命短暂,我们需要立即做爱,以充分利用时间。我认为,他的论点有两种谬论。首先,这是一个不合逻辑的论点,其中的结论不符合前提。 Marvell的论点有一个基本假设,即爱等于性别。就我而言,爱与性交织在一起,却截然不同。但是,Marvell没有充分解决诗歌中的问题。同时,在主要前提下有一个全有或全无的谬误。 Marvell认为时间是为了爱或没有。时间还可以用于其他方式来充分利用时间。主要前提也是无效的。
Marvell uses a lot of imagery to support his reasoning. For instance, he said that “My vegetable love should grow/ Vaster than empires, and more slow”. He compares his love as a vegetable to illustrate how much he loves her. Then, in the second stanza, he shows the evidence that youth and beauty shall be gone soon to support his reasoning that life is short. I think it is a great support for his argument.
In the whole poem, Marvell uses deductive logic to develop his argument. The first stanza suggests that time is used for love, which is the major premise of his argument. The minor premise is that life is short, and we need to make the most use of time from the second stanza. And then he reaches a conclusion in the third stanza that, life is short and we need to make love now to make the most use of time. In my opinion, there are two kinds of fallacies in his argument. Firstly, it is a non-sequitur argument, in which the conclusion does not follow the premises. There is an underlying assumption in Marvell’s argument that love equals sex. As far as I am concerned, love and sex are closely intertwined yet very different. However, Marvell does not adequately address the problem in the poem. Meanwhile, there is an all-or-nothing fallacy in the major premise. Marvell assumes that time is for love or nothing. Time could also be used for other ways to make the most use of time. The major premise is invalid as well.

According to Unit 5, reliability refers to “the degree of confidence that is placed in the truth of a proposition”. Although Marvell provides different evidence to support his argument, most evidence is based on premises or assumptions, which lacks strong support for its reliability. Therefore, if I were the mistress he was writing to, I would find his argument is not sufficiently true to believe.

Work Cited
Marvell, Andrew. To his coy mistress. ProQuest LLC, 2004.
