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TOP网课essay代写-Individual and Oral Narratives in Historical Events

文章类型:presentation 发布时间:2019-11-12


在《沉默的另一面》中,作者通过以下方面展示了Butalia的方法论:个人,传记和口头叙述。所有这些都为书面的历史事件做出了贡献。据作者说,他从幸存者那里收集了故事(Butalia,5)。他出生在印度的一个中产阶级家庭,处于相对平静和繁荣的时期。在来自印度人的恐怖故事的启发下,这位随机工作经验的作者对与分区有关的痛苦深感兴趣。她进一步研究了历史,发现大多数文献都从政治角度讨论了分区制度,这使她感到失望和沮丧,因为她从与印第安人接触的亲身经历中得知,分区制度给印第安人带来的社会,宗教苦难多于政治上的苦难方面。分区的历史还没有结束,它对人们的日常生活产生了困扰,例如家庭分离,宗教宽容,社会破裂。 Butalia意识到,这种研究差距令人担忧,如果她计划收集Partition的深远影响,她需要工具和资源。结果,她关于分区的信息来源来自两个方面。
Individual and Oral Narratives in Historical Events
In The Other Side of Silence, the author demonstrates Butalia’s Methodology through following aspects such as individuals, biographies, and oral narratives. All these have made contribution to the written historical events. According to author, he collected stories from the survivors ( Butalia, 5). He was born in a middle-class family from India in a period relative calm and prosperity. In a random working experience inspired by the horrifying stories from people in India, the writer was intrigued with the pains associated with Partition. She further researched the history and found most of the literatures discussed the Partition from political terms, which disappoints and frustrates her as she, from her in-person experiences in contacting with Indians, knows that Partition has brought Indians more social, religious sufferings than political aspects. The history of Partition is not over and its effects are haunting on people’s daily life, such as family separation, religious intolerance, social rupture. Butalia realized that such research gap is saddening and she needs tools and sources if she planned to collect the deep influence of Partition. As a result, her source of information about Partition was from two aspects.
Firstly, it came from the history books. However, the author doubted the reliability of the information. The stories were told and retold by households. Both his parents experienced the difficult war time in India. However, he did not take in the stories. It is also illustrated in the movie of “Haider”. The main character Haider wants to prove the innocence of his father despite of the judgments from outside. Many stories were vivid to convince the author to believe the cruel and bloody of Partition. It is the same in the movie “Haider”, only after experiencing the cruelty, he started to understand his father’s situation. At the same time, he did not trust other people’s criticism about his father. The movie describes the story of Kashmir’s winter in 1995.
The first part of the movie presented the movement of the main character. He went to the prison to inspect the truth about his father. He looked around about his father and even experienced the election and fighters with multiple failures. After finding out that there was something special relationship between his mother and his uncle, he started to make the picture clear. The speech in the square was the highlight of the movie. It metaphors that he had so much power since then. He was suppressed with the anger and disappointment. At the same time, he started to understand his mother. The truth is not what people see from the outside and as easy as to be understood.


Individual & Collectiveness
To have an accurate understanding of the historical event, author started to read the written works about Partition (Butalia, 5). Of course the writer still doubted the factually and reliability of the book. Working with memory has its own disadvantages. There are so many uncertain factors such as who remembers, when, with whom, indeed to whom and  how. The method of remembering is the least important factor. Oral history is a deeply contested area in historical discourse (Butalia, 9).  The oral narrative could not be called as history. History are engaged or combined with political, history, contemporary communalism. At the same time, a deep belief in feminism should be involved. The personal feelings such as fear and hatred seem to have been nurtured.
Author admitted that there is no way to determine the truth of the stories told by people. After so many years, the audience cannot tell the stories are rehearsed performance or not . Despite of the limitations, the oral narrative presents another way of look at history. Memories play quite an important role in the oral narrative. People locate their memories by different dates, or different timeframes, than the events that mark the beginning and end of histories. The fictiveness in testimony does not involve disputes about facts, but the inevitable variance in perceiving and representing these facts, witness by witness, language by language, culture by culture. 

与父母分离多年,他们感到生活毫无意义,彼此间完全陌生。在电影《海德》中演示时,主角剪了头发,这象征着他生活的变化。即使他与他的母亲和叔叔有血缘关系,他有时仍会发现他无法认出他们并从心底知道他们。这部电影是基于“ Hemlet”的。故事的结尾,叔叔没有自杀。但是,他一生中痛苦不堪。
这部电影是一个渠道,通过它观众可以了解克什米尔冲突。希拉尔·梅尔(Hilaal Meer)既是医生又是海德(Haider)的父亲,他对经历的叙述和陈述为听众提供了关于分离主义激进组织与政府军之间冲突的知识。包括Haider,Hilaal,Roohdar,Arshia等在内的个人都是从事喀什米尔争夺的普通人,他们对普通医生的亲身经历告诉人们关于克什米尔紧张局势的历史见解。鲁达(Roohdar)关于希拉勒(Hilaal)遭受酷刑的叙述使人们熟悉了冲突的激烈程度以及绑架者如何遭受酷刑,这本身就是历史。

Oral Narrative
The easiest way to put a book together is collecting material. In the process, it includes the difficult part which is to decide what to include and what not to. The author used to interview as many as seventy people. Each story has its own insights and unique, but the author only got a fraction of the content. Of course the reason is not because the others people are not worth listening (Butalia, 13). In transferring words to text, many has lost including the particular inflection; the hesitation over certain thoughts and phrases, even certain feelings, the body language which indicates the feeling of the narrator. The identity of the narrator is also of key importance when grouped by gender. The fact that most of the interviews took place in family situations also meant that women were seldom alone when they speak to the author. To a large extent, they were influenced by the people surrounding them who are husbands or sons. The common thing is that many oral historians have written about the difficulty of speaking to and with women, of learning to listen differently. Women may could not express them fully which is half-said thing. During the interview, they may keep silence.
Another part lies in the difficult to deal with practical, structural terms in oral narratives. From the aspect of reader and publisher, very few of them actually go through a collection of oral accounts unless they are very short. Due to the nature of the work, author searched many kinds of documents which are diaries, memoirs, newspaper reports. All of these documents could be classified into different kinds such as unofficial, informal and official. Oral narratives has another limitation which is a methodological tool that many feminist historians have found enormously empowering. When the event is told by the women, it has another perspective and angle. Consequently, the telling is always one-side.
Author tried every way to convince her mother into calling back the stories. He visited her home. In the initial time, she was reluctant to tell her feelings. The memories in the past have shaped their experiences and shaped in their minds. After all the trials and failures, he found out the reason why her mother hesitate to speak out the truth about the memories. Because his mother is too close to her where the stranger could have succeed. And people in different situations and positions may have difficulty in understanding other people’s situation. Separation from own parents have made her mother’s life difficult and miserable. There are several reasons that the author wants to include his mother’s feeling. It is tragic and ironic that a Partition in their lives.
Separation from parents for many years, they feel that life is meaningless and they are total strangers to each other. Demonstrated in the movie “Haider”, the main character got his hair cut which symbolizes changes in his life. Even though he has blood-relate to his mother and his uncle, he sometimes finds out that he could not recognize them and know them from the heart. The movie is on the basis of “Hemlet”. At the end of the story, uncle did not commit suicide. However, he is more than miserable in his life.
This film function as a channel through which audience are able to gain insights about the Kashmir conflicts. The recount and presentation of the experiences of Hilaal Meer, who is a doctor and also the father of Haider, provides audience with knowledge of the conflicts between the separatist militant group and government army. The individuals, including Haider, Hilaal, Roohdar, Arshia etc., are common people who who are engaged in the Kashimir contention and their personal experiences of a normal doctor informs people the historical insights into the Kashmir tensions. The Roohdar’s narratives regarding the torture of Hilaal familiarize people with the intensity of the conflicts and how captors are tortured, which in itself is a history. 

Butlia在《沉默的另一面》中使用的方法是口头叙事:关注经历过历史事件和时期的小而看不见的普通人的生活故事和轨迹。 在收集故事时,作者并没有规定任何特定的问题,而只是让对话畅通无阻。 通过这种方法,研究人员可以根据“个人和证言表示”来显示分区的历史。(第9页)。 对于研究大约40年前和50年前发生的分区冲突或克什米尔冲突事件,该研究方法被证明具有独特的帮助,尽管存在先天的问题,但也许是理想的选择。
The methodology Butlia used in The Other Side of Silence is oral narratives: focusing on the life stories and trajectories of small, invisible and common people who experienced the historical events and periods. When collecting stories, the author did not regulate any specific questions but just let the conversation flow. This method allows the researcher to present the history of Partition from “personal and testimonial representations.” (p. 9). For researching an event, either the Partition or Kashmir conflict, that occurred around 40 and 50 years ago, this research method proves to be distinctively helpful and perhaps the ideal option despite its innate problems.
Butalia,U。沉默的另一面。 来自印度分区的声音。 杜克大学出版社:达勒姆。 2000年第5页。 第9页。 第13章
海德。 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XODYyMTYzODc2.html。 电影.2014。
Works Cited
Butalia, U. The other side of silence. Voices from the Partition of India. Duke University Press: Durham. 2000. p.5. p9. p13.
Haider. http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XODYyMTYzODc2.html. Film.2014.
